Dumped on 2004-08-27

Index of database - freetrade

Table: address

address Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('address_id_seq'::text)
name_prefix character(16)
name_first character(255)
name_middle character(255)
name_last character(255) NOT NULL
name_suffix character(16)
company character(255)
street1 character(255)
street2 character(255)
street3 character(255)
city character(255) NOT NULL
stateprov character(255) NOT NULL
postalcode character(255) NOT NULL
countrycode character(2)
phone1 character(32)
phone2 character(32)
fax character(32)
email character(255) NOT NULL
optin character(1)


address Constraints
Name Constraint
address_optin CHECK (((optin = 'Y'::bpchar) OR (optin = 'N'::bpchar)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: affiliate

affiliate Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ftuser.id ftuser integer PRIMARY KEY
active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: affiliate_global

affiliate_global Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
cookiedays integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 30
returnperiod interval NOT NULL DEFAULT '30 days'::interval
commissionrate numeric(5,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.15

Index - Schema public

Table: affiliate_numbers

affiliate_numbers Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ftuser.id ftuser integer PRIMARY KEY
months date PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT date_trunc('month'::text, (('now'::text)::date)::timestamp with time zone)
commissiondate date
commission numeric(11,2) NOT NULL
referrals integer NOT NULL
sales integer NOT NULL
salestotal numeric(11,2) NOT NULL
returns integer NOT NULL
returnstotal numeric(11,2) NOT NULL


affiliate_numbers Constraints
Name Constraint
affiliate_numbers_referrals CHECK ((referrals >= 0))
affiliate_numbers_returns CHECK (("returns" >= 0))
affiliate_numbers_returnstotal CHECK ((returnstotal >= (0)::numeric))
affiliate_numbers_sales CHECK ((sales >= 0))
affiliate_numbers_salestotal CHECK ((salestotal >= (0)::numeric))

Index - Schema public

View: affiliate_unpaid_commission

affiliate_unpaid_commission Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ftuser integer
sales integer
salestotal numeric(11,2)
returns integer
returnstotal numeric(11,2)
netsales numeric
commission numeric(11,2)
months date
SELECT an.ftuser
, an.sales
, an.salestotal
, an."returns"
, an.returnstotal
, (an.salestotal - an.returnstotal) AS netsales
, an.commission
, an.months 
FROM affiliate_numbers an 
     (an.commissiondate IS NULL)
   AND is_commission_mature
           (an.months)::timestamp without time zone

Index - Schema public

View: affiliates_commission

affiliates_commission Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
affiliate integer
login character(32)
sales bigint
salestotal numeric
returns bigint
returnstotal numeric
netsales numeric
commission numeric
enddate date
SELECT a.ftuser AS affiliate
, u.login
, sum
           , 0
) AS sales
, sum
           , (0)::numeric
) AS salestotal
, sum
           , 0
) AS "returns"
, sum
           , (0)::numeric
) AS returnstotal
, sum
                 , (0)::numeric
           ) - COALESCE
                 , (0)::numeric
) AS netsales
, sum
           , (0)::numeric
) AS commission
, max
(months) AS enddate 
FROM (affiliate a 
LEFT JOIN affiliate_unpaid_commission auc 
    ON (
           (a.ftuser = auc.ftuser)
, ftuser u 
WHERE (u.id = a.ftuser)
GROUP BY a.ftuser
, u.login;

Index - Schema public

Table: attribute

attribute Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('attribute_id_seq'::text)
name character(64) NOT NULL
graphic character(255)
displayprecedence integer NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: billing

billing Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('billing_id_seq'::text)
name character(64) NOT NULL
displayprecedence integer NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: coupon

coupon Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('coupon_id_seq'::text)
name character(32) NOT NULL
dollaroff numeric(5,2)
percentageoff numeric(5,2)
minamountpurchased numeric(5,2)
startdate timestamp without time zone
enddate timestamp without time zone
neverexpires character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar
combineable character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar
displayprecedence integer


coupon Constraints
Name Constraint
coupon_combineable CHECK (((combineable = 'Y'::bpchar) OR (combineable = 'N'::bpchar)))
coupon_neverexpires CHECK (((neverexpires = 'Y'::bpchar) OR (neverexpires = 'N'::bpchar)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: coupon_user

coupon_user Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
coupon.id coupon integer PRIMARY KEY
ftuser.id ftuser integer PRIMARY KEY

Index - Schema public

Table: credit

credit Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('credit_id_seq'::text)
externalid character(32) NOT NULL
ftuser.id purchaser integer NOT NULL
purchased timestamp without time zone
expires timestamp without time zone
initialvalue numeric(11,2) NOT NULL
remainingvalue numeric(11,2) NOT NULL

Index - Schema public

Table: department

department Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('department_id_seq'::text)
name character(64) NOT NULL
graphic character(255)
department.id parent integer
description text
displayprecedence integer NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: department_item

department_item Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
department.id department integer PRIMARY KEY
item.id item integer PRIMARY KEY

Index - Schema public

Table: fee

fee Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('fee_id_seq'::text)
name character(64) NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: ftuser

ftuser Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('ftuser_id_seq'::text)
login character(32) NOT NULL
password character(32) NOT NULL
address.id address integer NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: inventory_log

inventory_log Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
filename character varying(255) PRIMARY KEY
processed timestamp without time zone

Index - Schema public

Table: invoice

invoice Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('invoice_id_seq'::text)
externalid integer
ftuser integer NOT NULL
active character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar
created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL


invoice Constraints
Name Constraint
invoice_active CHECK (((active = 'Y'::bpchar) OR (active = 'N'::bpchar)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: invoice_billing

invoice_billing Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('invoice_billing_id_seq'::text)
invoice.id invoice integer NOT NULL
billing.id billing integer NOT NULL
address.id address integer NOT NULL
affiliate.ftuser affiliate integer
creditcardowner character(64) NOT NULL
creditcardnumber bytea NOT NULL
creditcardexpiration timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
creditcardverification character(4)
charge numeric(11,2)

Index - Schema public

Table: invoice_coupon

invoice_coupon Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
invoice.id invoice integer PRIMARY KEY
coupon.id coupon integer PRIMARY KEY

Index - Schema public

Table: invoice_fee

invoice_fee Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
invoice.id invoice integer NOT NULL
fee.id fee integer NOT NULL
value numeric(11,2) NOT NULL

Index - Schema public

Table: invoice_log

invoice_log Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
filename character varying(255) PRIMARY KEY
processed timestamp without time zone

Index - Schema public

Table: invoice_shipping

invoice_shipping Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('invoice_shipping_id_seq'::text)
invoice.id invoice integer NOT NULL
address.id address integer NOT NULL
shipping.id shipping integer NOT NULL
message character(255)

Index - Schema public

Table: invoice_sku

invoice_sku Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('invoice_sku_id_seq'::text)
invoice.id invoice integer NOT NULL
sku.id sku integer NOT NULL
quantity integer NOT NULL
externalsku character(64) NOT NULL
name character(64) NOT NULL
listprice numeric(11,2) NOT NULL
saleprice numeric(11,2) NOT NULL
additionalshipping numeric(11,2) NOT NULL
shipping integer NOT NULL


invoice_sku Constraints
Name Constraint
invoice_sku_quantity CHECK ((quantity > 0))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: invoice_sku_variation

invoice_sku_variation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
invoicesku integer PRIMARY KEY
variation integer PRIMARY KEY
qualifier character(255)
price numeric(11,2) NOT NULL

Index - Schema public

Table: invoice_status

invoice_status Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('invoice_status_id_seq'::text)
invoice.id invoice integer NOT NULL
status.id status integer NOT NULL
created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
description character(255)

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: item

item Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('item_id_seq'::text)
name character(64) NOT NULL
description text
keywords character varying(255)
thumbnail character varying(255)
graphic character varying(255)
largegraphic character varying(255)
displayprecedence integer
active character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar


item Constraints
Name Constraint
item_active CHECK (((active = 'Y'::bpchar) OR (active = 'N'::bpchar)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: item_item

item_item Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
item.id item integer PRIMARY KEY
item.id related_item integer PRIMARY KEY
relationship.id relationship integer PRIMARY KEY

Index - Schema public

Table: localize

localize Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id character(32) PRIMARY KEY
target character(2) PRIMARY KEY
translation character varying

Index - Schema public

Table: news

news Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('news_id_seq'::text)
headline character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying
summary character varying(255)
body text
location character varying(255)
expires timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
displayprecedence integer NOT NULL

Index - Schema public

Table: permission

permission Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('permission_id_seq'::text)
name character(255) NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: recdmaterial

recdmaterial Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('recdmaterial_id_seq'::text)
rma_invoice_sku.id rmainvoicesku integer NOT NULL
invoice_status.id invoicestatus integer NOT NULL
quantity integer NOT NULL


recdmaterial Constraints
Name Constraint
recdmaterial_quantity CHECK ((quantity > 0))

Index - Schema public

Table: relationship

relationship Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('relationship_id_seq'::text)
name character(255) NOT NULL
displayprecedence integer NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: rma

rma Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('rma_id_seq'::text)
ftuser.id ftuser integer NOT NULL
invoice.id invoice integer NOT NULL
invoice_status.id issued integer NOT NULL
invoice_status.id completed integer
invoice_status.id revoked integer
description text


rma Constraints
Name Constraint
$1 CHECK (((completed IS NULL) OR (revoked IS NULL)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: rma_invoice_sku

rma_invoice_sku Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('rma_invoice_sku_id_seq'::text)
rma.id rma integer NOT NULL
invoice_sku.id invoicesku integer NOT NULL
quantity integer NOT NULL
received timestamp without time zone


rma_invoice_sku Constraints
Name Constraint
rma_invoice_sku_quantity CHECK ((quantity > 0))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

View: rma_invoice_status

rma_invoice_status Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
rma integer
invoicestatus integer
                  SELECT rma
                       , invoicestatus 
                    FROM (recdmaterial m 
                          JOIN (
                              SELECT rma_invoice_sku.rma
                                   , rma_invoice_sku.id 
                                FROM rma_invoice_sku
                             ) y 
                            ON (
                                   (m.rmainvoicesku = y.id)
                GROUP BY rma
                       , invoicestatus
             UNION (
                  SELECT rma.id AS rma
                       , rma.issued AS invoicestatus 
                    FROM rma
      SELECT rma.id AS rma
           , COALESCE
                 , rma.revoked
           ) AS invoicestatus 
        FROM rma

Index - Schema public

View: rma_status

rma_status Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer
rma integer
invoice integer
status integer
created timestamp without time zone
description character(255)
, rma
, invoice
, status
, created
, description 
FROM (rma_invoice_status r 
  JOIN invoice_status i 
    ON (
           (r.invoicestatus = i.id)

Index - Schema public

Table: seed

seed Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
seed integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 314

Index - Schema public

Table: session

session Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id character(16) PRIMARY KEY
ftuser.id ftuser integer
lastaction timestamp without time zone
invoice integer
phpdata text

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: session_sku

session_sku Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('session_sku_id_seq'::text)
session.id session character(24) NOT NULL
sku.id sku integer NOT NULL
quantity integer NOT NULL


session_sku Constraints
Name Constraint
session_sku_quantity CHECK ((quantity > 0))

Index - Schema public

Table: session_sku_variation

session_sku_variation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
sessionsku integer PRIMARY KEY
variation integer PRIMARY KEY
qualifier character(255)

Index - Schema public

Table: shipping

shipping Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('shipping_id_seq'::text)
name character(255) NOT NULL
displayprecedence integer NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: sku

sku Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('sku_id_seq'::text)
item.id item integer NOT NULL
externalsku character(64) NOT NULL
name character(64) NOT NULL
listprice numeric(11,2) NOT NULL
saleprice numeric(11,2) NOT NULL
additionalshipping numeric(11,2) NOT NULL
weight numeric(11,2) NOT NULL
displayprecedence integer NOT NULL
active character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar
inventoryavailable integer NOT NULL
reserve integer NOT NULL
canbackorder character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar


sku Constraints
Name Constraint
sku_active CHECK (((active = 'Y'::bpchar) OR (active = 'N'::bpchar)))
sku_canbackorder CHECK (((canbackorder = 'Y'::bpchar) OR (canbackorder = 'N'::bpchar)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: sku_variation

sku_variation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
sku.id sku integer PRIMARY KEY
variation.id variation integer PRIMARY KEY

Index - Schema public

Table: status

status Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('status_id_seq'::text)
name character(64) NOT NULL
type text NOT NULL


status Constraints
Name Constraint
status_type CHECK ((("type" = 'Invoice'::text) OR ("type" = 'RMA'::text)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: status_log

status_log Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
filename character varying(255) PRIMARY KEY
processed timestamp without time zone

Index - Schema public

Table: store

store Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('store_id_seq'::text)
address integer NOT NULL
description text
image character varying(255)

Index - Schema public

Table: tax

tax Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
state character(2) PRIMARY KEY
rate numeric(5,5) NOT NULL
taxshipping character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar


tax Constraints
Name Constraint
tax_taxshipping CHECK (((taxshipping = 'Y'::bpchar) OR (taxshipping = 'N'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema public

Table: user_permission

user_permission Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ftuser.id ftuser integer PRIMARY KEY
permission.id permission integer PRIMARY KEY

Index - Schema public

Table: user_sku

user_sku Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('user_sku_id_seq'::text)
ftuser.id ftuser integer NOT NULL
sku.id sku integer NOT NULL
quantity integer NOT NULL


user_sku Constraints
Name Constraint
user_sku_quantity CHECK ((quantity > 0))

Index - Schema public

Table: user_sku_variation

user_sku_variation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
usersku integer PRIMARY KEY
variation integer PRIMARY KEY
qualifier character(255)

Index - Schema public

Table: variation

variation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('variation_id_seq'::text)
name character(64) NOT NULL
attribute.id attribute integer NOT NULL
description character(64)
graphic character(255)
displayprecedence integer NOT NULL
price numeric(11,2) NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Function: check_affiliate_numbers( integer )

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

        IF (SELECT COUNT(*)
            FROM affiliate_numbers
            WHERE Months = date_trunc('Month', NOW()) AND
                FTUser = $1) = 0 THEN
            INSERT INTO affiliate_numbers VALUES($1);
        END IF;

        RETURN TRUE;

Function: commission_end_date( )

Returns: timestamp without time zone

Language: SQL

        SELECT (NOW() - ReturnPeriod)::TIMESTAMP
        FROM affiliate_global;

Function: from_unixtime( integer )

Returns: abstime

Language: SQL

select $1::ABSTIME;

Function: is_commission_mature( timestamp without time zone )

Returns: boolean

Language: SQL

SELECT (NOW() - (SELECT ReturnPeriod FROM affiliate_global)) >
            (SELECT date_trunc('Month', $1) + '1 Month'::INTERVAL -
                '1 Day'::INTERVAL);

Function: returns_revoke_update( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

        affiliateID INTEGER;
        sku RECORD;
        total DECIMAL(11,2);
        -- Work only on revoked RMAs and no change if ship date is older than
        -- configured interval.
        IF (OLD.Revoked IS NOT NULL) OR (NEW.Revoked IS NULL) OR
            (ship_date(NEW.Invoice) < commission_end_date()) THEN
            RETURN NULL;
        END IF;

        -- Initialize.
        SELECT INTO affiliateID Affiliate
        FROM invoice_billing
        WHERE Invoice = NEW.Invoice;

        -- Verify a record exists in affiliate_numbers before update.
        PERFORM check_affiliate_numbers(affiliateID);

        -- Update return count within affiliate_numbers.
        UPDATE affiliate_numbers
        SET Returns = Returns - 1
        WHERE Months = date_trunc('Month', NOW()) AND
            FTUser = affiliateID;

        FOR sku IN SELECT * FROM rma_invoice_sku WHERE RMA = NEW.ID LOOP
            -- Determine the total.
            SELECT INTO total (isk.SalePrice * sku.Quantity)
            FROM invoice_sku isk
            WHERE isk.ID = sku.InvoiceSKU;

            -- Update return total within affiliate_numbers.
            UPDATE affiliate_numbers
            SET ReturnsTotal = ReturnsTotal - total,
                Commission = Commission + (total *
                    (SELECT CommissionRate FROM affiliate_global))
            WHERE Months = date_trunc('Month', NOW()) AND
                FTUser = affiliateID;
        END LOOP;

        RETURN NULL;

Function: returns_total_update( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

        affiliateID INTEGER;
        invoiceID INTEGER;
        total DECIMAL(11,2);
        -- No change if ship date is older than configured interval.
        IF ship_date((SELECT rma
                      FROM rma_invoice_sku
                      WHERE ID = New.InvoiceSKU)) < commission_end_date() THEN
            RETURN NULL;
        END IF;

        -- Initialize.
        SELECT INTO invoiceID Invoice
        FROM rma r, rma_invoice_sku ris
        WHERE r.ID = ris.RMA AND ris.ID = NEW.ID;
        SELECT INTO affiliateID Affiliate
        FROM invoice_billing
        WHERE Invoice = invoiceID;

        -- Verify a record exists in affiliate_numbers before update.
        PERFORM check_affiliate_numbers(affiliateID);

        -- Determine the total.
        SELECT INTO total (isk.SalePrice * NEW.Quantity)
        FROM invoice_sku isk
        WHERE isk.ID = NEW.InvoiceSKU;

        -- Update return total within affiliate_numbers.
        UPDATE affiliate_numbers
        SET ReturnsTotal = ReturnsTotal + total,
            Commission = Commission - (total *
                (SELECT CommissionRate FROM affiliate_global))
        WHERE Months = date_trunc('Month', NOW()) AND
            FTUser = affiliateID;

        RETURN NULL;

Function: returns_update( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

        affiliateID INTEGER;
        -- No change if ship date is older than configured interval.
        IF ship_date(NEW.Invoice) < commission_end_date() THEN
            RETURN NULL;
        END IF;

        -- Initialize.
        SELECT INTO affiliateID Affiliate
        FROM invoice_billing
        WHERE Invoice = NEW.Invoice;

        -- Verify a record exists in affiliate_numbers before update.
        PERFORM check_affiliate_numbers(affiliateID);

        -- Update return count within affiliate_numbers.
        UPDATE affiliate_numbers
        SET Returns = Returns + 1
        WHERE Months = date_trunc('Month', NOW()) AND
            FTUser = affiliateID;

        RETURN NULL;

Function: sales_update( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

        affiliateID INTEGER;
        total DECIMAL(11,2);
        -- Configure on whether to add or subtract from sales.
        IF NEW.Status = (SELECT ID FROM status WHERE name = 'Shipped') THEN
            -- Determine the total.
            SELECT INTO total SUM(SalePrice * Quantity)
            FROM invoice_sku
            WHERE Invoice = NEW.Invoice;

            -- Initialize.
            SELECT INTO affiliateID Affiliate
            FROM invoice_billing
            WHERE Invoice = NEW.Invoice;

            -- Verify a record exists in affiliate_numbers before update.
            PERFORM check_affiliate_numbers(affiliateID);

            -- Update sales count and total within affiliate_numbers.
            UPDATE affiliate_numbers
            SET Sales = Sales + 1,
                SalesTotal = SalesTotal + total,
                Commission = Commission + (total *
                    (SELECT CommissionRate FROM affiliate_global))
            WHERE Months = date_trunc('Month', NEW.Created) AND
                FTUser = affiliateID;
        END IF;

        RETURN NULL;

Function: ship_date( integer )

Returns: timestamp without time zone

Language: SQL

        SELECT date_trunc('Month', Created)
        FROM invoice_status
        WHERE Invoice = $1 AND
            Status = (SELECT ID
                      FROM status
                      WHERE name = 'Shipped');

Function: unix_timestamp( timestamp without time zone )

Returns: integer

Language: SQL

select date_part('epoch', $1)::INT4;

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